
Ria Panen Godesberg

Ria's Curriculum Vitae and how she works

A meeting with Ria Panen Godesberg changes your life. The contact with her causes more consciousness and through her loving and direct sight she helps you to become clearer, happier and more determined in your life. For her, the basis is anthroposophical spiritual science, but she is not a classical anthroposophist. She distances herself from all those who work in an elitist way, who take the right to judge others or even consider themselves more important than others. There are many ways of doing spiritual science, and it is important to recognise this. The essence of her work is to help people to find to a profound state of Love, Consciousness and Clarity and to show people the way to their inner Being, so that they, bit by bit, will be able to live their full potential.

ria neuRia Panen Godesberg  is a spiritual master. Her goal is to show people the way to their inner Being, so that bit by bit they can discover and live their full potential. It's about holistic health, also about the fisical wellbeing of people. People who seek Ria's guidance, learn to heal themselves in a holistic way. This is not just about our own well-being, but to be of service to humanity, because only when we really learn to give selflessly will we be well. Ria is the founder and creator of the Sa'Sen Yin training, which is also the centre for the Sa’Sen Yin non-methodic therapy-path. Basically a not methodical as it shows each person her/his very own path. 1987 she developed the first two essential parts of this path: the reintegration-massage and etheric osteopathy. She teaches the entire package which exists of various techniques. The Sa’Sen Yin Path is also used to diagnose and to treat animals, especially horses.

Ria was born clairvoyant and started practising yoga and meditation already at very early age. From 1972 till 1980 she studied anthroposophical curative education and anthroposophical medicine, other kinds of natural medicine as well as oriental massage-techniques. She worked for Greenpeace and founded a health-centre, helped restructuring companies, practised and taught Qigong und T’ai Chi Chuan and was named Zenmaster „Master over Life“ by a non-incarnated lama. Ria worked with people all over the world in private sessions and in groups.

1980 she moved to Ibiza (Spain). There she lived (since 1997 happily married) together with her husband Helmut.In 2015 Ria shifted her first domicile to Germany and since May 2021 she lives there permanently, having given off her house in Ibiza completely into real good hands. Ria has one adult daughter.

The many different experiences, together with the great knowledge that she already brought with her into this life, led in 1992 to the development of The Course, an inner development path.
"The Course" is the basis for reaching the Inner Self = Higher Consciousness. 

Nowadays she mainly concentrates on The Course, seminars and conferences and on the training of therapists.

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