Love, compassion and friendliness are the roots of Being, imagine, you are the other!!!
Sa´Sen Yin
The Sa'Sen Yin Path (Origin of name), an all-worldly approach based on anthroposophy and auto-didactic knowledge at the service of humanity, consists of two important branches. It supports and pushes the deepest inner path of self development along of each person who wants this and drives it forward. It helps those who need it to find healing. Of course the whole work always causes self-healing and personal evolution. The Sa’Sen Yin Path helps people to rediscover the way to their most inner self and therefore their potential and supports to (learn to) live this. The Sa’Sen Yin Path also helps people to find the cause of their (fisical, emotional or other) complaints in case they have any. The basis of this path is that there are facts that impair the equilibrium of a person. The core of the work is observation of what is really there, without interpreting. Because cause and symptoms are treated, a direct and long-lasting improvement is achieved.
The person heals her/himself and receives individual “tools” for daily life. The Sa´ Sen Yin Path is also very suitable for the treatment of animals.
In the training the therapist goes through a strong self-development-path. She/he learns to be centred, to objectively observe and gradually regain and expand the clairvoyance she/he was born with.
We understand under clairvoyance: being able to see the colours of the chakras and the aura; the position and state of the bone structure and the inner organs; the circumstances of the past that caused the (physical) state, the present and possible future of the personal path of the person, so that she can be given the precise counseling for her processes. These processes of growth can take place in seminars and or individual sessions and/or through participation in The Course.