
Voices on Ria's work

Online seminar "Organ healing"

Day 1

Dear Ria, I am happy with the seminar, because what I have seen is important for me and also to understand others better. See you tomorrow best regards Angela

Dear Ria, I am very happy to be able to connect deeply with my organs and the beings. I feel an inner great joy from the beings and a clear support.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
All my love, Ellen

Dearest Ria, the seminar today has opened a deep world in me, and I feel the joy of the elementary beings, and their aliveness. My thankfulness to them brings tears to my eyes and warmth in my heart, and also my thankfulness to you, dear Ria, thank you and till tomorrow. Much love, Sharon

Dear Ria,
Thank you very much, it is still a completely new approach for me and I am very grateful to be part of it. I can feel myself - and you - much better and feel very connected. Kind regards, Lydia

Dear Ria, thank you for the seminar so far! I am grateful to discover what my beings want to show me. And grateful even being able to connect with them in the first place. See you tomorrow! Lots of love Karin

Hello dear Ria, Very inspiring, Frank

I am very happy to see and feel these connections. Xxxx Axel

Dear Ria,
I was very pleased to make contact with my body being in this way.
It is as if I have become even more transparent to myself.
I am looking forward to tomorrow. Amina

Dear Ria thank you for today .
I could understand better parts of myself through the elementary beings and their interaction.
Looking forward to tomorrow!
Much love to you and everyone.

Thank you very much dear Ria
I am happy to connect with my organs in another way, not only as a machine that works well or badly.
As a being that feels and relates inside and outside of me.
Thank you very much, I feel lucky to be part of this. And little by little I will be integrating more and more.
A hug and see you tomorrow

Dearest Ria, all I can say at the moment is that I have slipped into a strong process, things are going haywire inside me, trying to get myself back together. Xxxxx

Tag 2

Dearest Ria, this is the beginning of a whole new relationship with my Self, the Beings that are with me, and the larger cosmos I am in.
Words don't reach enough to say my joy and gratitude, I can only say I feel love from the deepest of my heart.
Thank you, beyond words.

THANK YOU, dearest Ria, that yesterday and today through you/with you I have found a precious opportunity to come into a much deeper and more loving connection with my body and the beings that shape and care for it. I feel that this connection will greatly support my inner path.
Much love to you, Annuk Xxxxx

Dear Ria, thank you for accompanying me into communication with the body elementals, it has helped me once again!
All my love

Dearest Ria, although it was not easy for me to go as deeply as my body and the beings behind it needed in such a short time, I am very happy that I was able to experience how I got to know myself and all the beings that make me exist in the first place even better. And, above all, to get to know myself in a completely new and different way than I had known before. I feel really blessed and very touched!
Thank you very much and all the best, Ellen

Dear Ria, the seminar was a joy, which I found so precious. Thank you so much! Best regards, Angela
Dearest Ria after this seminar I have more clarity and lightness. It brought more consciousness to the connection with myself and the beings thanks to whom I exist; connecting with them, especially the Elementary being of the body ,it arose my selflove.
I feel greatful and more in peace .
All my love.

Dear Ria
Thank you again, I am so happy and very passionate to keep communicating more and more with the elemental beings. It gives me a great sense of belonging and unity with creation.
A big hug and happy afternoon
With much love

Dear Ria,
I am very happy I could join the seminar. I am grateful for connecting with my body and the beings behind, and all I learned. Thank you for your guidance. Have a lovely evening!

Dear Ria, I am very happy about how well this seminar "worked" for me through this medium!
This work brought me many new insights about my body and its entities. Above all, I am now very motivated to change my diet, on all levels, to a more digestible form for my body.
Many thanks and all the best to you

Dear Ria,
I am very grateful to have been part of the seminar and feel blessed to have received your help and that of the group, so that I can always be aware of my 'eternal self'.
Best regards
Petra Maria

Dear Ria,
The way of looking that was conveyed to me through the seminar increased my respect for my body and also my leadership responsibility. I remember a seminar when we felt into the wall, which then relaxed. The perspective of beingness makes sense even in the simplest everyday life, I realize once again. I will continue my research.
The seminar also made me aware of some other aspects of my attitudes. I was also helped by the presence and comments of all the other participants.
Thank you very much and all the best

Continuation of the "Organ Healing" seminar series

Dearest Ria, Through the organ healing seminars, I can now better perceive the moving together (or oneness on a deeper level) of the substantial and subtle body.
It gives me a secure, peaceful feeling that everything follows a great movement/spiritual order. It gives me drive and a feeling of increased energy and strengthens my intention (to continue on my path of development and to want to serve).
I currently have the skin-being very present, which teaches me to remain in the spiritual world in my everyday life. That I don't need to separate myself from/ reject anything (people, events, things etc). Everything on the outside is part of me and rejecting it would mean denying a part of myself (which makes me stiff).
Also the bone-being was very important for me to feel and to recognize that the bones are also spirit (subtle). I feel more alive now, as I no longer associate my bones with stiffness/death, but with aliveness.
I am very grateful that I was able to participate in the revelations in the Organ Healing seminar. And I want to thank you Ria from the bottom of my heart.

Dearest Ria,
The organ healing seminar has helped me on many levels to take even better care of myself and the beings that make me up. So it leads to more health and clarity for me. I am grateful to you from the bottom of my heart
for this profound process and all your work and love with which you have accompanied us in it. Thank you very much and all the best!

Hello dear Ria,
I am sending you the feedback from the organ seminar:
This last seminar has made me feel much more connected to the spiritual part of me through my consciousness.
I feel very present (these last 5 days since I finished the workshop) , the being in my body, and I try every day to be grateful for it.
It makes me feel better with my body.
It is a more direct communication with the sacred and pure part of me.
Thank you so much for helping me to see it this way!
Many kisses
I love you, Ana

This organ healing seminar made me understand deeper what does it mean to be human. I feel a new sense of responsibility towards myself and the outside earthly world  as well as a sense of being held and not alone , more connected to the spiritual world .
I am deeply grateful.
With all my love
Giulia Campinoti

I have done Ria's series of Organ Healing Seminars, and they have literally changed my life, and my relationship with Life.
Each seminar built upon the others, for this I am so thankful to have been able to do them all, as the work and connection got deeper and deeper as we progressed.
As Ria worked with us, awakening our awareness of each organ and the Elementary Beings that govern them, my relationship with these beings and with my physical and spiritual body deepened into one of more respect and responsibility.
I have begun to be aware of the profound spiritual significance of each organ, and how my earthly daily actions are equally significant, either in a beneficial or harmful way.
I am now so much more aware of the powerful but delicate team that that supports my being alive in my body.
I know I will revisit Ria's guidance and the awarenesses brought in the seminars, to keep me and my body team vital and healthy.
I have gained confidence, trust and more vitality. Most of all, Ria's seminars have given me Love for Life!
I thank you Ria, with all my heart.
Sharon Loerzer

The organ-healing seminar with Ria have given me a completely new perspective on and a new way of being in contact with my body, for which I am very grateful. For me, it feels like a circle is closing. Thanks to what I learned in the seminar, I can go further with the content on my own, as I now know how to make contact and what is particularly important when doing so. The seminar have made me humbler, more grateful and richer inside. Thank you, dearest Ria.
Lots of love,

Feedback Home-Seminar Autumn 2021 Fear, Our Mood and Our Body

…I know that words cannot fully capture the depth and width of all that happened!
In this seminar I experienced a profound change in my relationship towards myself and the world. Ria guided us to work consciously through places and processes within that are mostly left untended, and so for that reason could be constantly creating inner conflict and fear.
By working through my body, my emotions and my essence simultaneously, all aspects of me have joined into a single sense of Self. Using the mediums of painting, writing and meditating for each process brought me swiftly and simply to the core. Fear is no longer my guide.
I am deeply grateful for Ria’s love, compassion and delicacy while helping us evolve, through putting our fears and emotions into a far bigger perspective. I feel strong, happy and equipped to navigate future moments of fear and emotional upset. I can stay more centred in my true Self and enjoy Life here on Earth! With heartfelt thanks, Sharon Loerzer

...The seminar made me see more clearly what my fears are and how they are connected to my moods.
Painting and the possibility to penetrate my unconscious with more consciousness support me on my way to get closer to the best version of myself. I take with me inner places/gifts that strengthen me to be well with myself in this time and to shine my light into the world. Once again, I am grateful how Ria is able to enable me to experience such deep and healing processes at home, despite the digital format.
Thank you! <3 Lukas B...

...The seminar "Fear, our moods and our body" was a profoundly insightful experience for me.
It was possible for me to look at my fears and moods and the reactions of the body from a completely different perspective, which would not have been possible for me alone. This allowed me to see the origin, their effects and my behaviour from a more neutral, non-emotional, point of view and thus understand them better. And now work on solving them and changing my behaviour. I have been able to discover very practical approaches for myself on how to implement this.
Thank you for your loving and clear guidance through this seminar and process. All my love, M.A...

...I've been reviewing all the days and looking at the pictures I've painted
Simply seen, everything has become rounder. Mostly I only see circles. What at the beginning only showed tornadoes, lightning, jagged edges and abysses now stands in happy togetherness and I also see myself in safety as a distant observer from outside. Whenever fear arises, I want to have this tool to quickly see the fear as something created and not mine and better to have my happy final image in front of my eyes.

...The seminar was very good for me. I am also glad to have this opportunity to continue working. I am still working on some things. For me it was good to have 2 days. I am grateful for the possibility to divide the time individually. Ria guides us very lovingly and deeply through the seminar "our fears, moods and our bodies". The questions she asks help us to get into a level beyond the mind where real transformation can happen. The instructions helped me to see my fears, which were known to me, more clearly and neutrally. I could see exactly their impact on my life. That alone helped me. I became more relaxed and calmer. I was able to release tensions that are difficult for me to access in everyday life. Through painting, new levels were awakened in me and solutions beyond the mind were found. Thank you very much for your great work, dear Ria.Hugs from the heart, Amina

...the week was very intense, with many lows and highs
Although there was a lot to do, I feel that it made me stronger and many things became clearer again; finding access to my fears through my body makes my perspective change. I feel that I can trust my seeing and feeling more and more. I see how all these fears affect me permanently in my mood and moodiness. I am very grateful that I have been able to see them so clearly. And also deeply grateful that I was able to transform all that I felt and saw into a force that supports and strengthens me. And that became a space in which I can recharge my batteries with peace, strength and light. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Ria! All my love, Ellen

The seminar helped me to get a structured overview of my fears so that I can work on them specifically. One realisation that it doesn't hurt to be reminded of more often is that the "reality" in my head is not reality, but an interpretation of it. I was able to find out a lot of new things about myself in the seminar and was surprised how many answers were already there, just waiting for the right question. Thank you! Lena

The seminar helped me to overcome my fear about my fears. In other words, I realised that I can only deal with and let go of my fears if I am willing to look at them. I have seen that it helps me to look at my fears consciously. It does not mean that I get rid of them all. But by recognising them, I can deal with them and avoid letting them (unconsciously) rule my life. I am very grateful for this insight, because in the past I have always tried to let go without looking at it, which rather led to repression. I would definitely recommend this seminar. Thank you very much, dear Ria!

"The seminar made the importance of the connection to the heart and thus to my inner being very concrete for me with regard to my fears. I became even more aware of how much it is a decision on my part whether I move in the personality or am in my being, and the respective consequences. I am grateful for the experiences I was allowed to have and look forward to integrating what I have learned into my further walking. Thank you, Ria, for all your love!" Shila B.

....When I compare my thoughts before the seminar with my thoughts after the seminar, I notice that I am much calmer and more balanced inside. Just to see what a difference it makes whether I am in my power or not and the effects on the root and sacral chakra was an aha experience for me. Writing down the fears and imprints showed me my own patterns again. The realisation that I am trying to control something uncontrolled is still working strongly in me. I realise that I am allowed to trust here even more. It became clear to me that listening to the files online instead of downloading them was not good because I was missing parts. Thank you very much for the exciting and insightful seminar. All, all the love, Jasmin

...For me this seminar came at exactly the right time, I was strongly guided by my fears and can now better distinguish between old fears and new ones and whether they are justified or unfounded, also how I can better deal with them I have found my centre again, gained new insights that will lead me to next (developmental) steps and I am sooo grateful to you for that!!!! Thank you for doing this work for us and with us, thank you for being here!

..Thank you very much for this seminar. I appreciate your clarity and simplicity, which always shows me that I don't have to be a mystery to myself either. The seminar opened up access to me - to my being - in an immediate way, with which I could then enter into dialogue. Feeling what my fears are, what they trigger in me, how I can meet them mindfully and absorb them into myself and thereby solve them. What needs and conditioning give rise to my fears and how can I recognise my needs, respect and nurture them, strengthen my base, intensify the connection with Patchamama. Looking closer: How are feelings of guilt related to fears? Why do I feel guilt? How do I perceive others? How does "society" perceive me?In the knowledge of our great interconnectedness, overcoming boundaries, accepting and giving love

...the timing of the seminar was just right, as some fears arose externally during this week, for which I was able to find a solution straight away through the seminar! In addition, it became clear to me again and even more clearly than before what range my actions have, even when I am only alone in my flat andcannot seeany effectsthe moment I go my way, as it feels right for me, even if others criticise me for itIt's not egoism, itgetting closer to the truth Thank you very much! Best regards...

...the seminar was made for me, the topics of body, mood and fear and their connection have occupied me for a long time, many aspects unconsciously until now. During the confrontation I became aware of many things, including how a number of fears have become like implants in my system, which has cost me strength and energy and lowered my mood. The seminar helped me to engage in the confrontation. I take pictures with me for my inner strengthening, the invitation for my true inner being to expand more and more within me. Thank you for everything, dearest Ria.

Dear Ria,
A week ago I was close to despair I went through many fears again. I realised what fear was doing in my life, how many possibilities were not used. Since today, I can hand over my current situation to the "top", full of confidence.
I can take both sides, the letting go with loss, the staying, the task that will cost strength. This way I might be able to help some people
Perhaps both are possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear Ria, I am no longer on the run. I am back in my heart. Thank you

Retreats Ibiza and Eifel

Dearest Ria.
Thank you from the depth of my heart for your unconditional giving/serving this weekend. Thank you for always carrying us across the waters of our lives to our true selves. (S.S. horse retreat sept.2019)

"These 5 days were a door into a whole new stage of my life. I have already participated in many valuable seminars with different teachers and approaches that have supported me on my healing and unfolding path. This retreat was the crowning glory! Very deep-seated blockages and injuries became perceptible to me and came into solution and healing, which now continues. The warm-hearted, clear, powerful and loving presence and support of Ria in all processes, the great trust in the group, the healing place in the middle of nature, the delicious, healthy and lovingly prepared food made this possible.
I was able to experience a deeply touching encounter with my brother, to experience a level of relationship that we had not been able to live until now due to unconscious patterns from our family. For the first time in my life I was able to formulate the sentence: "I love you". which was overwhelming for me. This door to a freer, more fulfilled life is now open, now it's just a matter of going further, of continuing to discover and live who I really am and what my deepest task is, for which I started on this earth.
Dear Ria: I am soooooo grateful !" (M.S.)

"As a complete non-painter, I was not initially attracted by this offer. Only shortly before the appointment did I think to myself: this is a great opportunity, because in my work with Ria I have never experienced that a non-painter had any significance for the inner work - and I took part. During these days of the retreat I lived in an atmosphere of deep love, openness and mindfulness with Ria and all the participants, which was extraordinary for me. Now that months have passed, many moments of it are still very vivid and I would not have dared to hope before to come to such a depth within myself where things have begun to unravel and I could find an inner enormous strength. In a loving simplicity, Ria helped me to overcome a deep fear with little effort, to face painful experiences that I had not been aware of my whole life and which was subsequently not only liberating, but where I came to myself, could experience myself in my original being.
This experienced unconditional love is still working in me and radiates into my environment. My thanks to you, dear Ria, is the radiation of this love!" (C.K.)

reatreat people painting on tables


"The retreat with Ria in Ibiza was the most intensive inner emotional work for me and brought deep, also trauma-related misalignments in me to light. Since these misalignments had to do with my fear of groups as well as my fear of authority, I was constantly challenged, not only during the painting stages that were specially guided and intensively accompanied by Ria. She caught me, guided me, challenged me and supported me tangibly with her presence so that opening could happen, so that I could arrive more deeply within myself. The processes of the different participants supported each other and there was so much loving, helpful understanding and appreciation among each other. I am very grateful for this ground-breaking experience for me and signed up for the next retreat shortly afterwards." (F. W.)

I now know what it feels like to be happy and I wish I could bring that feeling back again and again. Connected in love, Martina

This was my third painting retreat and the one in which I was able to experience with the greatest admiration how deeply the strings are pulled here by Ria's presence and how they work into the current life, in myself and in some others with whom I noticed it more clearly. In the evenings I also had the impression that nothing happens just like that, be it who asks this one question or who moves someone to dance etc. I trust all of you and that is what I am doing. I trust you all and that is a huge gift for me. I am looking forward to seeing you again (perhaps at the next retreat at Pentecost) and thank you all from the bottom of my heart with best wishes, especially you, dear Ria (Frank Waldvogel).
I am very happy to have participated, because the space and framework that RIA creates so that we can move forward and so much love (in us) can arise, which then creates a harmonious and trusting group that did not know each other before, has only now really become clear to me. (Helmut Godesberg)

It has enriched my life a lot. And what wanted to be said was said, also in personal conversations. There is one thing I would like to add: I was impressed by the tenderness and openness of the participants in their dealings with each other, and I am taking many impulses with me from a week that, on balance, inspired me a lot, even if at times it was anything but pleasant for me, to put it mildly. (Mark).

To the retreat in June 2019

I feel very grateful to be here and to have done these processes and to have gone through all the challenging moments. The issues and questions that I brought with me became clear to me during the week. I have the feeling that I have once again arrived more deeply at myself and am releasing myself from external hold. (Lukas Balfanz, man 28).

Today, on the last day, when I looked around at noon, I was very happy; seeing all these people who have gone through processes has touched me very much and I am very grateful for that. The week was very challenging for me, with what felt like tens of processes that accompanied me; I suspect that something has happened, but I can't grasp it yet. And I guess that's how it's supposed to be right now. A key moment was at the picture meeting today when C said that she can see in the picture of S what I will be like. That really did it for me - now I know with absolute clarity where it may continue to go for me. (Shila Schönhals, woman 30)

The first two days I came to very deep feelings of loneliness, of not being right and out of place in this world, with not knowing if I still had the strength to go on living. One session put me in touch with the power that made me incarnate. After that everything changed and I was allowed to experience myself in the wonderful experience of a common previous incarnation as a woman with great power and part of a group of people who lived together in great respect, appreciation and love. This also changed my perception of myself in the current group a lot. I felt that I really loved all the participants, without exception, and had never felt as much a part of them as I do here. And I especially thank you (Ria) for being completely there in every moment of these processes.(AS, woman, 58)

I came here with quite a lot of fear. The processes were deep and fruitful. Then the absolute highlight was the joint incarnation, where I felt well this sense of belonging that I feel here. I didn't know that this was possible with so many people at the same time. The fact that I see so much in the process has given me a lot of security. The emergency situation at home with my partner, which is why she had to leave, has helped me in retrospect to clearly find my place in myself as well as in my partnership and also in the group. In addition, the discussion of the pictures helped me a lot; I am grateful for every task that helps me further. It was an enormous joy to let go of everything so that I could paint my last picture from my centre and it represents exactly what I am. (Axel W. Mann 53)

Dear Ria, the retreat was very profound for me; these five days were very dense. And although I had prepared myself for an intense inner "work", neither "effort" nor "strain" has been noticeable. Rather, it felt like a joint family outing where the trust, connection and love for all participants grew more and more and inner steps were possible with ease. Perhaps the most important point for me was when we talked about the wings; that inspired me to show myself clearly and without shyness, without holding anything back.... Your feedback about taking my place made me realise that my place is also important for others. And the incarnation together has taught me something that is also important here today. I have done several retreats with you, but this one was another quantum leap. Thank you very much for that! (Dr. Christian Kern, man, 63)

Voices from the retreat "learning to show yourself"

The retreat was/is a very valuable experience for me. I experienced and lived through many feelings. In between I felt like a hangover at the tiled stove. I find that a great gift, because that is not always possible in my (current) everyday life.
With the penultimate picture, an old dream of mine has come back to my consciousness. This touches me very much and makes me look forward joyfully.
Thank you very much for your loving and caring way and see you soon, Philipp.

This seminar has brought all the previous seminars together for me, and brought deep meaning to my life. What I had sensed instinctively or intellectually but had not achieved, I now feel as my truth. Everything I have experienced so far, in this life and in others, are paths to the light. Even the detours, the mistakes, the suffering. They have all lost their protagonism. Now my consciousness is clearly focused on the real me. The joy in me now is true and very calm. It flows through my body. I have a new relationship with my body, as a wonderful participant in Team - I. I have a new relationship with my body. What needs to be improved in my personality: my behaviour, my processes, are all part of my Project - Me. For all this I am infinitely grateful Ria. P.S.:
a. Before the retreat my defiance came up when I had technical difficulties with computer, links etc. and panicked. Then I received loving support from Ria and the team technique. This was already my first retreat initiation to the new knowledge that I am not alone in the world before the beginning. Thank you again! with love, Sharon

Thank you Ria for your supportive and loving presence during the days - I felt it very much -, for your work in re-modelling this whole seminar and for walking with us with your heart. I leave deeply enriched. Thanks also to Axel and the IT team for the many hours of research until this solution was found! And thanks to all in the group for your showing and sharing - you carried me along. Taija

Ria's retreat on learning to show oneself has brought me closer to myself. I have become even more aware of my being, my light and have recognised the limitations and restrictions that hold me back from showing and living my full being and light. I feel deep gratitude in myself and can recommend it to everyone who wants to progress on their path and come into their full greatness.
Ria's loving presence carries you through these days and you feel protected and enveloped. So that you can also face your deepest fears. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dearest Ria! Maren

I was able to recognise a few things for myself again. The online form was a good opportunity for me to go further. I received the feedback that was essential for me. Even over the distance I felt very well accompanied by your love, your clarity and your clear vision!
Once again a deep and heartfelt thank you for making it possible in this way, and especially for the many, many hours of work it cost you! You are a blessing! Love, Amina

More voices on Ria's work

"I have been working as a psychotherapist, supervisor, coach and teaching therapist since 1984. A few years ago, however, I noticed the urgency to be in service to the people who come to me with a more holistic way of working. At first, I engaged intensively with what seemed to me to be a promising new development. Then I got to know Ria Panen Godesberg and her way of working. This was the comprehensive answer for me personally and for my therapeutic work. "(Dr.C. K)

Dear Ria,
It has been a great joy for me to work with the thesis and I am very grateful to you for this topic I have been allowed to see, recognise and heal a lot. Thank you for seeing me!
Thank you very much for everything and I love you more than anything.
Yours M"
(Written after "THE COURSE")

"Since I experienced how THE COURSE with Ria brought me conscious love and self-love skills and thus orientation and independence, the decision phase to start the massage training was short. I am very amazed at what I and the people I massage are able to experience after only a short time of practising, which is helpful and insightful, and I look forward and hope to be able to increase my mediation, empathy and perception skills in this sense, always under the control and guidance of Ria herself and her two Überlingen instructors"(F.W.).

Dear Ria, you are one of the streams through which the Divine can feed and nourish its children. Thank you for carrying this out with such great love! From the heart, Raphaela

Your life is not only for you; you have decided to live it anew every year.
You are ready for our questions; you want to guide us when we venture out onto the ice.
So you should also know that what you do for us is never forgotten, even when you rest.
So take these lines into your heart, for we all know that you too feel pain.
There is still so much to tell; but only a few words can be chosen for all this.
Thank you for your love, E.S. and S.S.

Ria, it’s been over ten years since I came to you first time. When I met you, I was impressed with the healing you brought about in me, with the love that I experienced so real for the first time in my life, with your clear sight. Especially because I had been “everywhere” without positive results. Yet now, 10 years later, I must say I am impressed and find it remarkable that you could grow even more. Your love and your skill, your understanding and strength have even amazingly, wonderfully and almost incredibly increased... (R.S.2001)

Dearest Ria,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything. For your seminar, your wonderful book, THE COURSE and simply for being. I am so happy about you and glad to know you. I often feel you or think of you and have to smile in loving gratitude.
My life has developed very positively, I am getting there more and more, sometimes I can hardly believe how fast it all goes, but it goes and I feel better and better.
All these changes and decisions, which are not always easy, really make me shine and grow.
You inspire me. I feel more strongly and clearly that I can find everything in my heart, that healing takes place there, everything I have ever been looking for and also everything I need. The pressure in my head disappears when I am in my heart, that touches me very much and gives me hope that I can live without pressure one day. Never before have I been able to control my headache like I can now. I am very impressed that it is "actually" so easy.
I feel a deep gratitude that I want to share with you.
Thank you Ria!!
All the best, E. D.

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Visiting this site cannot replace a visit to the doctor.
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