
The Team

Sa´Sen Yin Association


Since 2017 Ria has passed part of the training of the reintegration-massage on to Amina Bender. She is a fully trained Sa'Sen Yin coach and councelor/consultant authorized to make statements and corrections. Since 2023 Amina gives "The Course" at Lake Constance.

Sharon Loerzer gives "The Course" in English and Spanish in Ibiza under Ria's supervision.

Also Maren Ahlers is getting trained for this, she has her diploma in reintegration-massage and is advanced in etheric osteopathie.

Lukas Balfanz is  Ria's personal assistent. He partly coordinates her work at the lake of Constanz and he takes care of Ria's homepage and public relations.

All the persons below undergo further training every year, so they also work on and within themselves. There are trained people who are not listed on the website because they presently do not  take part in further training.


Coaches and counselors/consultants (private sessions, group work)

(therapist is a protected concept in many countries, therefore not used here)


SharonSharon Loerzer

Avenida Punta Arabi 95, pta. 404, Santa Eulalia del Rio, Ibiza, Spain, Tel.  0034/639467279 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view  Sa'SenYin coach and consultant since 2003, etheric osteopathy, homeopathy, family consultance and work, children-development support, parenting courses, teacher counseling, business counseling. Sharon is getting trained to give "The Course" and gives The Course in October to the new group in Ibiza under Ria's supervision.


 amina neuAmina Bender

Dorfstraße 24, 88662 Überlingen, Tel. 07551/9899488 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dipl.-art-therapist since 1996 and Sa´Sen Yin coach and counselor since 2007 parenting seminars, family counseling, reintegration-massage, etheric osteopathy, Akasha Chronik reading, chakra reading, work in energy fields, constellations, seminars; she has also been giving "The Course" since 2023.


 giulia kleinGiulia Campinoti

Cala Azul (close to Sta. Eularia) Ibiza,  Tel. 0034/646788572, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Professional dancer, Sa'Sen Yin coach since March 2017, together with Ria and under her guidance she developed IDOL (Inner Dance Of Love), which is a way to release limiting, emotional patterns partly through dancing/movement; Reintegration massage since 7 March 2020. Etheric Osteopathy in training since June 2021.


 marianne kleinDr. med. Annuk Sorg

Zum Brachsen 3/2,  88662 Überlingen, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,  

Specialist in general medicine – natural medicine - Acupuncture | Germany, Sa´Sen Yin consultant since 2017, Sa´Sen Yin counseling, work in energy fields, reading akashic records, etheric osteopathy (last two in training)




frank neuDipl.-Ing (FH) Frank Waldvogel

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) technical social health service, gitarre teacher, musician, Sa Sen Yin coach  / Reintegration-massage since March 2019, work in energy fields and reading akashic records (last two in training).
Contact adress Remedy Maker Germany/Europe
Linzgaustraße 6, 88699 Altheim, Tel. 07554/986894 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Maren imageMaren Ahlers

Ibiza and Hamburg, Tel. and Whats'app +49 178 8032103, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sa'Sen Yin Consultant and companion. Qualified in reintegration massage and foot massage according to the Sa'Sen Yin path since June 2020. Study of naturopath (without degree). Co-teacher for Reintegration Massage.


Shila Final3Shila Balfanz

Waldstraße 10, 53347 Alfter, Oedekoven Tel. 0049 (0)176/20227738, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Demeter vegetable gardener since 09/2018, MSc Behavioural and Economic Science, Sa´Sen Yin coach and Reintegration-massage since December 2022. Shila is also getting trained to become a teacher and to give The Course. She has also started to support the organisational side of the Sa'Sen Yin work.


LukasLukas Balfanz

Waldstraße 10, 53347 Alfter, Tel. +49 15751023649, E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Vegetable gardener (biodynamic). Sa´Sen Yin coach and Reintegration-massage since December 2022.





Ana WebseiteAna Garrigos Sistare  +34 619747018. 07812 San Lorenzo, Ibiza.
Experience in body work since 2008. Family Constellations, Kinesiology and Biological Deprogramming. Dance and Pilates Teacher. Postgraduate in Dance-Movement Therapy and Transpersonal Psychotherapy. Master in Personal Development and Team Leadership.
Degree in Techniques and Market Research. Sa´Sen Yin coach and Reintegration-massage since August 2023.





Delores Diana Wielzen works on Ibiza and in the Netherlands.  Tel. +34 600340100. Intuitive mentor since 2013. Active as a private vegan cook since 2014. Sa´Sen Yin coach and Reintegration-massage since August 2023.






 axel webseiteAxel Wucherer. Experienced NSB therapist for many years. Sa´Sen Yin coach and Reintegration-massage since November 2023. Dorfstraße 24, 88662 Überlingen. Tel. +49 1717703518. E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..






Coaches and counselors/consultants in training


AngelaAngela Zoller-Diangoné
Germany, 88212 Ravensburg, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +49 151 11877592
Specialisms: Learning support as an educator, connection with nature as a certified forest teacher, activation of self-healing powers as a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner.
In training for reintegration massage.



*Disclaimer*: Ask your doctor or pharmacist
Visiting this site cannot replace a visit to the doctor.
Be sure to consult your doctor in case of serious complaints.