

Sa'Sen Yin Program 2024/25

In Germany where Ria lives now permanently

Seminar at Lake Constance in September 2024

"Our negative emotions are in ourselves and are produced by ourselves. There is absolutely not a single unavoidable reason why somebody else's action or some circumstance should produce a negative emotion in me. It is only my weakness. No negative emotion can be produced by external causes if we do not want it. We have negative emotions because we permit them, justify them, explain them by external causes, and in this way we do not struggle with them."

Therefore Ria gives on Saturday 14th September and Sunday 15th September the seminar ‘How do I deal with my feelings and emotions and what is the difference?' The seminar will take place in the Mehrgenerationenhaus in Owingen, from 11.00-18.00. On the first day we will look at a picture and from here we will see how different we are and perceive people. We will learn more about ourselves and also how we can understand other people better by using certain forms of communication. The address is Haupstr. 42, in Owingen; you can park if you drive into the street to the left of the old town hall opposite the school. Please bring lunch and something to drink (no coffee or black tea), there is no kitchen access. Please bring writing utensils and coloured pencils, as well as white paper.
Registration and payment for the Frickingen seminar to Annuk Sorg, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone 07551-9474989.

And something else: Everything is difficult before it is easy.

Retreat in the Eifel in October/November 2024


On Thursday 31st October at 4.00 pm, the retreat ‘Where are my blind spots? Am I also living them without realising it within the society/community? How can I work on them so that I and everyone else feels better?’ The retreat continues on Friday 1st, Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd of November. On Sunday until 14.00. During this retreat we do exercises, we meditate, we paint and we move, so that we can see and observe ourselves in the different ways we act in this world, and thereby work on ourselves in order to lead a happier and more effective life, also with our fellow human beings. In this retreat, everything that is there, is noticed without judgement. We do not think in terms of good or bad, because what is, is. No one will judge/value/rate anyone, but we will determine, notice which sensations we ourselves have and what moves and/or causes certain dynamics within us. We carry the wisdom of divinity/the universe in our bodies, and this wisdom we will discover as to show us what our next step should be. We learn to be in the now, to leave the past where it belongs and prepare for the future we don't know, because all this knowledge is there as a seed. We just need to discover it. We always start from the point that there is basic goodness in everyone. Nevertheless, with good intentions we can also achieve undesirable results. When we discover this, we are happy to have discovered a blind spot. We learn to stay with our feelings, like sadness, anger, frustration, fear, and to recognise them as motivation for change. And we are ALWAYS, whether we recognise it or not, part of a community. By using body-based, contemplative methods, we become aware of our own body as well as the ‘social body’ of a group. We recognise our deep connection with each other and experience our inherent ability to support each other and how this brings mind and body back into balance. We are also together in the evening until about 21.30/22.00, we start at 11.00 in the morning. Phones will be left in the car during the whole retreat because it is a retreat (the meaning of the word retreat) and there will be no contact with the outside world, so that everyone can stay well with themselves, and the group dynamic supports us to learn a lot about ourselves.
The first day will take place in the Eifelscheune in Bodenbach, Friday and Saturday in the large auditorium in the Bürgerhaus in Bodenbach, and Sunday again in the Eifelscheune. It is possible that Friday and Sunday will take place in Ria's seminar room in Senscheid. The Eifelscheune in Bodenbach has been reserved and there are 6 overnight places in 3 double rooms. A holiday flat for 2 people has also been reserved in the neighbouring village. Further places for overnight stays can be booked privately. There are many possibilities in the neighbourhood.
Everyone cooks together and the menu for lunch and dinner is put together and bought by the participants, vegetarian and organic, but with instructions due to allergies. If someone is vegan, this is also considered. Everyone organises their own breakfast. Writing materials (paper and pen) are required for the retreat.
Ria will speak German and, if necessary, English or Spanish. Depending on your needs.
Registrations directly with Ria.

The Course in the Eifel (Germany) from January 2025

Ria will give The Course again herself in 2025. It will take place in Senscheid, Eifel(Germany). It will again be multilingual, German, English and, if necessary, Dutch or Spanish and is intended for people living abroad and people from Germany who are aware that their existence makes a difference and want to live it (more) fruitfully and/or people who have already done The Course once (or several times). It takes place as a personal encounter every 2 months. The first meeting will take place over 2 days, 5 and 6 January 2025 and then the other dates (1 day each) will be set. The rest will be via Threema, a secure and protected form of messaging. Registrations also directly with Ria.


Her gift: a series of 18 meditations that you can find as a collection under a dropbox link under books and more...

Also under this link you will find a series of videos for meditations and exercises, many of them short, for your own healing and the healing of all creation.


Register for "The Course" with Amina Bender  Tel. 00 49 7551/9899488 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For information and bookings for any event spoken in english or spanish, knowing all takes place in Germany, get in contact with Ria.

 2020 Ich 13 just before completeness


Note: The reservation of the retreats and seminars is binding. In case of cancellations of retreats less than 2 months before, 
the full amount is due, in case of seminars 2 weeks.